

Other than my interest in science, engineering and technology, I am very interested in creative pieces of work  in any field be it movies, sports, advertisements, writing etc. Of course, “creative” is a subjective word and its scope and definitions can vary from one field to another as well as from person to person. Nevertheless, there are works that catch my attention and make me stand up and exclaim in admiration like this advertisement  for Citroen C4 car.

I am also interested in the interaction of science, technology and public policies. I read about technological advancements which empower people and enable them to afford better lives and receive better public services.

You can find the books that I have read outside of my technical domain on a different page. I can assure you that I have listed here only the ones which in my opinion would not be a waste of your time. So, if you are interested, do grab a copy from the near by library and read.

I like to spend time by the sea or among trees or simply observing people and things around me. I am fascinated by rivers, seas, mountains, birds and plants. A piece of land with bountiful of crops is a sight to behold.

I also enjoy cooking and learning about different cuisines. Quite naturally, Travel and Living channel is one of my favorite channels and I try to catch up whenever possible.

I like photography though I am not inclined towards any particular kind of it. I take photographs of whatever catches my attention: sign posts, buildings, clouds and rain, twinkling cities, views by the sea, people, food etc.

I like to watch motor rallies more than the car and bike races on a fixed track. Dakar rally is a favorite. The driving and navigation skills of the drivers in these rallies is  outstanding.